Easy Tips to Reduce Your Home Heating Load

When those winter heating bills roll in, most of us groan while trying to think of ways to reduce our energy costs and lower the heating load of the home, in other words, the amount of heat and energy needed to effectively heat our house. In St. Louis where cold winter nights can come without notices, we are particularly aware of the need for a warm home over the winter, while we cross our fingers that the heating load is not too high.

Reduce Your Home Heating Load

In this article, we offer some easy tips to help reduce the heating load of your home. If you are interested in more information about how to improve the effectiveness of your heating & air conditioning systems, give the experts at Galmiche & Sons a call at 314-993-1110. We can schedule an appointment for your home’s regular HVAC maintenance or answer any questions you may have regarding your home’s heating requirements!

Lowering Your Home’s Heating Load

Home Heating Load | St. Louis HVAC Tips

In general, your home’s heating load is the amount of heat energy that is needed to effectively heat your home and maintain the temperature at a comfortable range. By making your home more energy efficient, upgrading your equipment, and taking various other small steps, you can reduce the heating load and save money on your heating bills. Below are a few helpful tips that may help to lower the heating load for your home, thereby reducing your energy costs and helping your family’s budget this winter.

  • Install a Programmable ThermostatProgrammable thermostats are great tools to control the temperature in your home and improve energy efficiency. For example, lowering the temperature while you and your family are out during the day for work and school or after you have all gone to bed can significantly lower your home’s heating load. Ask us about how we can help you install one!
  • Improve Insulation in the Attic – Hot air rises, and if your home does not have efficient insulation coverage in your attic, all that heat is going to be lost through it. Check for spotty or missing insulation to help. Increase insulation coverage and reduce your home’s heating load!
  • Upgrade Windows – Your home may be losing a lot of heat through your windows if they are old, cracked, or thin. We recommend checking your windows for heat loss this winter as stopping it will lower the heating load for your home.
  • Seal Air Leaks – This tip ties into the one about your windows, and expands on it. While you are checking your windows for leaks, do not stop there. Check the rest of your home for leaks, from poorly sealed doors to ductwork, lacking insulation, and more, and lower the energy spending requirements for your house!
  • Change the HVAC System’s Air Filter – If your system’s filter is clogged, your HVAC system will come under strain pumping heat throughout your home with less efficiency. Swap your clogged filter out for a fresh one on a regular basis (even as often as once a month during times of heavy usage). Your HVAC system will thank you, and so will your budget!

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Help Reduce Your Home’s Heating Load

If you would like more information on reducing your home’s heating load or have other heating & air conditioning needs, call Galmiche & Sons today at 314-993-1110. As a longstanding St. Louis local heating and cooling company, Galmiche & Sons works with our customers’ best interest in mind. After all, your neighbors are our neighbors. Let us help you reduce your energy costs this winter, saving you money in the long run, and keeping your family happy, healthy, and comfortable!

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