Post-Holiday Season HVAC Maintenance Checklist

HVAC Maintenance Checklist for the Post Holiday Season

After the business and cheer of the holidays is over, we often find ourselves forced back into reality with a long list of to dos to accomplish. One thing you shouldn’t forget in the midst of all your post-holiday chores is to give your HVAC system a checkup. Just like your car, your HVAC system needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Read on for our post-holiday HVAC maintenance checklist to help you streamline the process and make sure you don’t leave any important tasks undone.

To learn more or schedule professional maintenance for your HVAC system in St. Louis, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

5 Important Post-Holiday HVAC Maintenance Steps

This handy checklist helps you stay comfortable while saving costs this winter:

  • Explore affordable ways to stay warm: While the holidays are all about making good memories, there are also some unpleasant surprises in the form of expenses. Needless to say, the focus in the post-holiday season is on saving as much money as you can. One option is to add more insulation to your home. This will help keep the heat in and the cold out. Another option is to install weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts. You should also make sure that your HVAC system is operating at optimal efficiency levels. Finally, you can also try using space heaters if needed to supplement your HVAC system.
  • Replace air filters: It is important to change your air filters regularly, especially after the holiday season. All the extra cooking, entertaining, and general hustle and bustle can cause your air filters to become clogged more quickly than usual. A clogged air filter can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, and may even cause it to overwork and break down prematurely. To avoid these problems, be sure to check your air filters at least once a month, and change them as needed.
  • Inspect vents and registers: Checking your air vents and registers after the holiday season is another important task that should be included on your HVAC maintenance checklist. Check to be sure the vents are not blocked by furnishings, rugs, or blankets that could be blocking air flow and make sure that they are clear of any debris, dust, or pet hair. You should also check to see if there are any cracks or gaps in the vents. If so, you will want to seal them up to prevent drafts and help keep your home energy efficient.
  • Test the thermostat: If your furnace or air conditioner did not keep you comfortable during the holiday season, it is time to check your thermostat. A simple thermostat test will help you determine if it is working properly. First, set your thermostat to the highest setting. Then, wait 30 minutes and see if your furnace or furnace turns on. If it doesn’t, there may be a problem with your unit. If you notice any problems with your thermostat, it is important to have it repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
  • Schedule a professional HVAC inspection: If you haven’t already scheduled your annual furnace maintenance, scheduling an HVAC inspection after the holidays is a final important step that should not be missed on your HVAC maintenance checklist. Our experienced professional at Galmiche & Sons will come out and take a look at your system to make sure everything is in working order. They will also be able to tell you if there are any areas that need repairs or replacement to optimize your HVAC’s efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Complete Your Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance with Galmiche & Sons

HVAC Maintenance Checklist

If you would like to have our professionals help with your HVAC maintenance checklist, call the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons now to schedule an inspection. Serving the greater St. Louis area since 1950, we can help with everything you need to keep your system running efficiently so you stay warm all winter season.

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