It’s Not Too Late: Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-Up

Winter has a way of suddenly creeping up on us, doesn’t it? One day, we will be raking off the fall leaves from our backyards, and just a few days after, we will be scraping off the frost from the windshield. So it is important to act fast, and schedule a furnace tune-up when there is still time. If you are still waiting to get your fall furnace tune-up, it is not too late.

Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-Up

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, reach out to the Galmiche & Sons heating and air conditioning professionals to schedule your HVAC servicing today.

Importance of Fall Furnace Tune-Up

Here are some reasons why you should consider scheduling a furnace tune-up this fall before the winter fully sets in:

1. Increase the Lifespan of Your Furnace

Just as it is with every piece of machinery, a furnace also needs timely servicing and repair to work efficiently. If you schedule a fall furnace tune-up, you will be able to ensure that it works well for longer. Furnaces/HVAC units that receive this level of care every year, particularly before the weather turns, tend to have a longer lifespan as compared to a poorly maintained machine.

2. Reduce the Risk of Breakdowns with a Fall furnace Tune-Up

Nothing is worse than being stuck with a broken furnace in the dead of winter. You don’t want to be in this situation when repairs and maintenance become difficult and expensive with extreme weather conditions. With a furnace tune-up, your professional will be able to identify anything that is likely to malfunction and suggest ways to deal with it. So, avoid the winter rush and get your fall furnace tune-up with Galmiche & Sons timely.

3. Avoid Possible Issues with Your Home’s Air Quality

Your furnace’s heat exchanger is a very important and crucial component. However, as it warms up the home, it produces carbon monoxide in the process, which then escapes the home through the furnace flue. If this  is not maintained, you can risk releasing this poisonous gas in your home, which can significantly affect your air quality and cause health hazards. It is important to make sure your HVAC technician checks these issues during the fall before you start using your furnace full time.

4. Lower Your Heating Bills

Fall Furnace Tune-Up Benefits

Timely furnace tune-up and repair ensures that the heating system works as efficiently as possible. When you put off your fall furnace tune-up, your device would take up more energy to do that same job. This can cause your electricity bills to increase significantly. The best course of action is to get a professional to do annual maintenance so that the furnace can perform efficiently throughout the winter, and your heating bills remain consistent.

5. A Fall Furnace Tune-Up Costs Less Than Repairs

If you don’t address a problem with your HVAC unit in a timely manner, it can end up turning into something bigger, costing you a lot of money in repairs. Your furnace tune-up will only cost a fraction of the total amount in repairs. With an annual servicing, your HVAC technician will be able to find any minor damages or problems in the unit, before it turns into a major problem.

Get Your Fall Furnace Tune-Up with Galmiche and Sons in St. Louis

To avoid the risk of having your furnace fail on you this winter, schedule a fall furnace tune-up before it’s too late. We, at Galmiche & Sons, will ensure full cleaning and inspection of the device so that it operates with optimal efficiency. Schedule your HVAC maintenance online or contact our heating and cooling professionals today!

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