Common Home Heating Myths Busted

With the cold temperatures this winter in St. Louis, many people will be remaining indoors trying to stay warm. Of course, this means that everyone will be looking for an affordable way to heat up their homes to remain comfortable. While friends and neighbors are quick to share some of their more interesting beliefs about home heating during this time, before Uncle Bill and Aunt Edna convince you that upping your thermostat to 104° just until the house warms up is the way to go, let us dispel this and other home heating myths. In this article, we will highlight three of the most common home heating myths that you should avoid to save yourself money and comfort.

Home Heating Myths Busted

In the meantime, we understand how important your comfort is. This is why Galmiche & Sons goes out of our way to provide you and your family the ultimate comfort. If you would like to learn more on home heating myths or have any heating & air conditioning problems, feel free to contact us in St. Louis today at 314-993-1110.

3 Common Home Heating Myths

While trying to achieve more energy efficiency in their homes, homeowners sometimes turn to common beliefs that are actually just home heating myths. Below are 3 of the most common home heating myths and why you should avoid subscribing to them altogether.

Myth 1: All New Homes Are Energy Efficient

A common home heating myth is that new homes are energy efficient. Homeowners usually assume that the construction of modern homes is done with energy efficiency in mind. However, this is not always the case. Homes will be constructed to comply with the guidelines of the Construction Code, which do not necessarily meet energy efficiency requirements. In fact, most new homes are more susceptible to air problems, which in turn lead to higher utility bills. Regardless of the age of the house, it is important to have a thorough home energy audit and regular HVAC maintenance to ensure that energy performance is in check.

Myth 2: To Heat the Home Faster, You Should Set a Higher Thermostat Setting

Common Home Heating Myths

Setting the thermostat to a higher setting to warm it up more quickly is another home heating myth. Some homeowners believe that this will ensure that the house heats up much faster. However, what happens is that the system works past its normal capacity, making the house too hot. To maintain indoor comfort, set the thermostat to a need-based temperature and save money while you are at it.

Myth 3: Space Heaters Are More Cost-Efficient Than Gas Heaters

Another common home heating myth is that by using space heaters instead of the gas heating system, you can save on costs. This is not entirely true. Space heaters use electricity to run, often resulting in higher operating costs, and depending on how often you use them in your home, your utility bills could go over the top. However, if you use space heaters properly to provide supplemental heat, for example just to heat a smaller space that may not stay as warm or that you want extra warm, then this can be a great option.

Contact Us for More Home Heating Myths

There are many other home heating myths that homeowners believe in. If you would like to learn more or are interested in scheduling a furnace maintenance check up to help you save more on your heating bills, do not hesitate to contact us. Simply call 314-993-1110 and let us take care of all your heating & air conditioning needs in St. Louis.

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