Heating and Cooling Repair: Your Questions Answered!

Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, caring for your heating and cooling system does not end with the installation – you need to have it regularly maintained and serviced to ensure proper efficiency and function. It also helps to have a general familiarity with how your HVAC system works so you will know how to take care of it on your own. While you do not need to be a heating and cooling repair expert, it pays to get to know your system simply by asking the right questions.

Heating and Cooling Repair in St. Louis

By doing so, you may be able to handle some heating and cooling repair and maintenance yourself, and you will know when you need to call heating and cooling repair companies for help. Read on to learn more answers to our commonly received questions. If you have questions that are not addressed here, call us at 314-993-1110 and we will gladly assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heating and Cooling Repair

Q: How often should I have my furnace and air conditioner maintained?
A: Your HVAC system should be maintained at least twice a year: once in the spring before the start of the cooling season and once in the fall before the start of the heating season. This keeps things running optimally and lessens the need for costly heating and cooling repair.

Q: Is there any form of maintenance that I can do to my own HVAC system?
A: Yes! You can reduce the need for heating and cooling repair by changing your air filter every 30 days. You can also pour bleach down the condensate drain every once in a while to prevent the growth of mold and algae. The AC’s condenser unit is typically located outside, so make sure to remove leaves, yard debris, and other dirt from around the unit.

Q: What is a SEER rating?
A: SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. It is a rating that indicates how efficient an air conditioner is when it comes to cooling your home. The performance of your air conditioner largely depends on its operating efficiency. So, the higher the SEER of a unit is, the lower your energy consumption and electric bills are. The US Department of Energy recommends having a minimum of a 13 SEER rating when buying an air conditioner because it is cheaper to operate and friendlier to the environment.

Q: How long does an furnace and AC unit last?
A: A typical furnace and AC unit will last for about 8 to 10 years, even with a skilled heating and cooling repair company servicing it. However, there are a lot of factors that go into how long an HVAC system will last.

St. Louis Heating and Cooling Repair

The two most important things to consider are: (1) Is the system installed correctly? (2) Has it been maintained properly? The key to a correct furnace and air conditioner installation is proper sizing and load calculation of your house or office building, while the key to proper furnace and air conditioner maintenance is having an HVAC maintenance contract in place with a reliable company.

Contact Our Heating and Cooling Repair Company in St. Louis

Becoming familiar with your HVAC system allows you to detect if your unit is showing signs of overloading. It also helps you know if your system is in need of a heating and cooling repair. If such a need arises, the experts at Coastal Air Heating are ready to help! In St. Louis and the surrounding communities, call us today at 314-993-1110to find out more about our heating and cooling repair services!

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