Dusty Home? Your HVAC System May Be to Blame

HVAC System & Indoor Air Quality

We often think about air quality as it applies to the air outside, but indoor air quality is an important factor in respiratory health as well. You might think that dust problems are reserved for the dry winter days, but dust can be a problem in the summer as well. In fact, if you continue to have dust problems into the summer, it may be that your HVAC system is to blame.

If you notice a lot of dust in your home, it might be time to get your HVAC system checked out by a heating & air conditioning professional. In fact, spring is one of the best times to get your air conditioner checked for general cleaning and maintenance. This regular attention can help you keep the dust at bay and improve indoor air quality throughout the summer.

How Your HVAC System Contributes to Dust

There are a few ways that your HVAC system can malfunction which would contribute to the accumulation of dust and other particles to the air in your home. This indoor air pollution can cause serious problems for people with respiratory issues, so it’s important to make sure your HVAC system is doing all that it can to keep dust and other particles out of your air.

Dusty Air and Your HVAC System

Here are a few ways an HVAC system malfunction could cause dust to accumulate in your home:

  • Dirty or Bad Air Filters: The air filters in your HVAC system do a lot of work to remove pollutants like dust, pet dander, and any particles that might be in the air. A filter that is clogged with dust or otherwise damaged so that it is not effective at removing it is going to mean more dust. In general, it is a good idea to look for filters with a higher MERV rating or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, which measures the efficiency of the air filter at removing particles.
  • Leaks: Leaky ductwork can be another HVAC culprit for a sudden increase in dust. When air can freely flow out (and in) through a leak in your ducts, all the filtration (and some of the cooling) is lost along the way.
  • Dry Air: This is one reason that we tend to see more problems with dust in the dry winter months than in the summer, but sometimes a dry spell in the summer, or other problems with your HVAC system can really dry out your house allowing dust to spread.

Humidity and Your HVAC System

The level of humidity in the air can heavily affect your air quality and impact how your HVAC system functions. Both too much and too little humidity can cause issues for your HVAC system and air quality, so it is important to consider how humidity might be affecting your home, and what you can do to improve it. One option is to use a whole home dehumidifier to deal with the effects of high humidity in your home in the summer.

Getting Rid of Dust

Other good ways to keep dust from accumulating in your home, are to keep things circulating by cleaning your HVAC system regularly and replacing the air filters often, and to make sure you have a regular maintenance and cleaning done by a local heating & air conditioning professional to catch any bigger issues that might be impacting the amount of dust in your home. For more help and tips in the St. Louis area, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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