Commercial Heating and Cooling Tips for Large Buildings

If you are like most building managers, you are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs. Since commercial heating and cooling accounts for a large percentage of a building’s expenses, taking some small steps can really help you see a substantial savings.

After reading our tips, you can learn more about saving on commercial heating and cooling by speaking with the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis.

Commercial Heating and Cooling Tips

Tips to Reduce Commercial Heating & Cooling Costs

Tips for Commercial Heating and Cooling

  • Replace Your Commercial Heating and Cooling Equipment: Buying new commercial heating and cooling equipment may not seem like a very obvious way to cut costs, but it can actually save you quite a bit of money in the long run. As HVAC technology progresses, commercial heating and cooling system efficiency improves as well. Updating to a modern HVAC system, while costly upfront, can save you quite a bit of money in the long run and is definitely an investment worth considering.
  • Service Your Current Equipment: If you are not keeping up with your commercial heating and cooling system’s regular maintenance schedule, you could be costing yourself more money than it may seem like you are saving. As wear and tear accumulates on your system, the overall efficiency begins to degrade. Simple things like replacing the air filter and a tune-up can drastically improve efficiency and reduce strain on your system, resulting in lower commercial heating and cooling bills.
  • Upgrade Your Current Commercial Heating and Cooling Equipment: While it depends on the equipment you have, there could be upgrades that can be done to improve the performance and efficiency of your existing commercial heating and cooling system.
  • Install Smart Meters in Your Building: Anything that makes your life easier as well as saves you money is definitely worth looking into. Smart meters connect to your computer and allow you to adjust your commercial heating and cooling remotely and around the clock. This gives you maximum control over your system and increases efficiency.
  • Look into Government Rebate and Incentive Programs: The government actually offers a surprising number of rebates to help offset installation, repair, and operational costs depending on the commercial heating and cooling system you have. There are usually a fair amount of stipulations that need to be met in order to qualify, so be sure to read the fine print. It may take a little bit of time and research, but the reward and savings will be worth it.

Learn More About Commercial Heating and Cooling in St. Louis

If you are serious about reducing your energy costs in your commercial building, contact Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling in St. Louis today! Our heating & air conditioning professionals can set you up with the most efficient HVAC system for your building or help you get the most out of your existing system. You can reach us online through our convenient contact form or you can give us a call at (314) 993-1110.

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