Buying a New Furnace: What’s the Difference Between a Single Stage, 2-Stage & Variable Speed Furnace?

Variable Speed Furnace Benefits

If you have been shopping for new furnaces apart from the brand name, one other common thing that you might have come across is the different speeds of furnaces. There are single stage, 2-stage, and variable speed furnaces on the market. The furnace speed is an important factor to consider before buying a furnace as this not only affects the price, but also the performance of a furnace. In this article, we are going to differentiate between a single stage, 2-stage, and variable speed furnace. We are going to look at how these furnaces work and why a variable speed furnace may be better than a single speed furnace or vice versa, depending on how you want to use them.

Determining which kind of furnace you need can be challenging and that is why you need expert help. Contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today at 314-993-1110, and our technicians will be able to give you the best expert advice on whether to buy a single stage, 2-stag,e or variable speed furnace.

Single Stage Furnace

These furnaces are quite common as they are among the more traditional kinds of furnaces available. Single stage furnaces only run at one speed. Therefore, when you switch them on, they run at their maximum speed and you cannot vary the speed. The disadvantage to this kind of furnace is that it can be costly to run in terms of energy consumption since it is always operating at maximum capacity. The only advantage to this kind of furnace is that it is cheaper to buy in terms of initial purchasing cost.

2-Stage Furnace

What is a Variable Speed Furnace

2-stage furnaces are an upgrade to the single stage furnaces. Just as the name suggests, 2-stage furnaces can run at two different speeds. There is a low-speed and high speed. When the weather is moderate and not very cold, the furnace runs at low speed. When it gets extremely cold, this furnace runs at high speed and thus produces more heat. The advantages to these kinds of furnaces are that they are more energy efficient since they run at low speed most of the time, and they are also quieter than a single stage furnace. However, the upfront cost is higher than a single speed furnace.

Variable Speed Furnace

A variable speed furnace has a motor, which can run at variable speeds. This motor evenly distributes the heat in your home, providing a more efficient overall performance. This motor can run even when the furnace is not on, thus circulating air into your home at all times. A variable speed furnace is the most efficient in operation and also works very quietly. However, the initial cost of buying a variable speed furnace is quite high, though you will recoup much of these costs as you will save a lot in terms of power consumption.

Learn More About Single Speed, 2-Stage, or Variable Speed Furnaces

The choice of which furnace to buy, whether a single speed or a variable speed furnace, is up to the consumer. However, asking for advice from heating & air conditioning experts will help you make an informed decision. At Galmiche & Sons, we provide quality furnace installation and servicing at affordable prices. Contact us in St. Louis today for help selecting the best HVAC system for your St. Louis home and to learn more about variable speed furnaces.

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