Busting Winter Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Busting Winter Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Ever wondered if you are letting heat out by opening your windows in winter? Or if cranking out the thermostat will heat your home faster? Are some truths, in fact, widely-held misconceptions? In this article we explore some common winter heating myths, and provide the truths that can help keep you warm this winter while saving on heating bills.

For more HVAC tips and answers to any HVAC issues you may be facing, contact the St. Louis heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today by phone at 314-993-1110 or via our online form.

Coming Clean on Common Winter Heating Beliefs

We all want to stay warm and toasty indoors while aiming to be energy-efficient. This sometimes leads us to follow misconceptions without question. Reading the following common winter heating myths will help you gain a clear perspective.

Turning Up the Thermostat Temperature Heats the House Faster

One of the most common winter heating myths – setting the thermostat to a high temperature will heat your home faster. This is simply not the case because an HVAC system operates at a consistent pace regardless of the temperature setting you choose. Setting the thermostat to the highest temperature will not lead to faster heating or cooling, it will only increase the time taken to reach the desired temperature, and if anything, result in energy wastage.

Instead, here is what you can do:

  • Set your thermostat to a moderate temperature to allow your HVAC system to operate efficiently and save energy.
  • Increase or decrease the thermostat temperature gradually to achieve the desired warmth without wasting energy.
  • Invest in adequately insulating and weatherizing your home for winter to keep unnecessary energy loss at bay.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for More Home Heating Tips and Maintenance

Keeping the Thermostat at a Constant Temperature Saves Energy

While you should usually avoid huge swings in temperature, it is not better to leave your thermostat at the same temperature all day. Adjusting temperature settings based on your daily routine can save on cooling and heating costs.

In the winter, setting your thermostat to 68°F when you are at home and lowering it a few degrees when you are asleep or away will help optimize energy usage. A programmable thermostat or smart thermostat can further reduce your energy consumption. You can program different temperature settings based on your daily schedule, adjusting the temperature automatically to save energy during periods of low occupancy.

Opening Your Windows Will Create Air Leaks and Increase Your Energy Bill

It’s natural to imagine that keeping your windows closed will keep warm air in and opening them will waste warm air, affecting your home’s warmth and comfort. And consequently, your heating system will work harder and drive up your heating bills. While this may be true when the outdoor temperature is extremely cold, opening your windows during times of more moderate temperatures can have some benefits.

For example, opening your windows a few inches can help improve ventilation, letting stale air and any odors out, improving indoor air quality. Avoid opening windows when it is extremely cold and windy. And don’t open a window too close to your thermostat as a cold draft may fool your thermostat into thinking your home is much cooler than it actually is, which can make your heating system work harder and impact your heating costs.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for More Home Heating Tips and Maintenance

While these tips can help you avoid mistakes that will cost you more in heating bills, one of the most important steps you can take to make winter heating more efficient and effective is scheduling seasonal HVAC maintenance. Galmiche & Sons is a trusted provider of furnace maintenance in St. Louis. We have a strong track-record of helping residents keep their HVAC systems working optimally all year round. To learn more or book a HVAC maintenance appointment, call us at 314-993-1110 or use our online form.

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