5 Crucial Benefits of an AC Tune Up

Benefits of an AC Tune Up

HVAC systems are something that we use in our everyday lives to keep us cool and comfortable. So, it is important to make sure that we take good care of them. Consider getting an AC tune up, especially as the seasons change and the weather warms up. Scheduling an AC tune up can help your AC run smoother and ensure a longer system life. If it has been a while since your last AC tune up, it is probably about time to get one.

At Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis, our knowledgeable team members will be happy to help you schedule a tune up. If you would like an appointment with one of our technicians or if you have heating & air conditioning concerns, please contact us at 314-993-1110.

Why You Need to Schedule an AC Tune Up

Investing in air conditioner maintenance can pay off majorly in the future. Getting an AC tune up is a wise move for homeowners who are looking to avoid costly repairs, but it can also help improve efficiency and reduce everyday operating costs. If you are still not convinced whether you need a tune up, we have listed some of the benefits of an annual tune up.

Here are five major benefits you get from scheduling an AC tune up:

  • Lower Bills – One of the most immediate benefits you will see from system maintenance is a reduction in your energy bills. With an optimized air conditioner, your system will consume less energy and save you money.
  • Maximized Comfort – When you have a well-maintained HVAC unit, you can be sure that your home will be cooled effectively. This means you can achieve maximum indoor comfort.
  • Fewer Repairs – Regularly scheduled maintenance means that your air conditioner is far less likely to suffer a major breakdown. An AC tune up means all the moving components of your system will be serviced and checked, reducing the risk of a mid-summer breakdown or repair.
  • Increased Efficiency – After your air conditioner is serviced, it will be running at peak efficiency. An efficiently running system uses less energy and is less susceptible to wear and tear.
  • Longer Lifespan – Generally, air conditioning units are made to last about 15 years. By scheduling regular tune ups, you are investing in the long-term lifespan of your system.

Don’t Neglect Getting an AC Tune Up

AC Tune Up Benefits

For most people, an air conditioner is a set it and forget it element of their house. Once it is up and running, it is easy to forget it is there. That is, until something breaks. By scheduling an annual tune up, you can avoid having to deal with a costly major repair. Galmiche & Sons is ready to help you schedule a maintenance appointment.

Choose Galmiche & Sons for your AC Tune Up in St. Louis

As one of the most trusted HVAC companies in the St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons has been performing AC tune ups for decades. Let us help you schedule a maintenance appointment to extend the life of your HVAC system.

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, call 314-993-1110 today to speak with a team member about our heating & air conditioning services.

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