How to Avoid Costly Air Conditioner Replacement

St. Louis Air Conditioner Replacement Tips

One of the best things about a new air-conditioner (besides the cool room and lowered utility bills) is the peace of mind that comes with. When you get a new AC unit installed for example, you might have a 10-15 year parts guarantee and a 1-5 year labor guarantee, which means you will not have to shell out money for repairs or an air conditioner replacement in the foreseeable future. Of course as the years pass, the eventually of needing an air conditioner replacement starts to continually grow.

Simply put, when your air conditioner is going to go, it is going to go. You can do patchwork repairs, but eventually an air conditioner replacement is going to cost less than continual service calls and lost energy. Although it is true that air-conditioners do have a shelf life, replacing them before their time is truly up is actually wasteful in itself.

Here are some tips on how to avoid a costly replacement – until your AC is truly ready for replacement.

Perform Regular Maintenance and Inspections

While some AC units really do just up and die, most air conditioner replacement jobs have at least some responsibility go to the owner. Forgetting to change the filter for months and allowing components to build up dust and dirt for years are two of the main culprits for an air conditioning unit’s early demise. The best way to avoid these issues and ensure that your air conditioner remains working properly for its expected life, is to schedule an annual professional inspection. This helps prevent not only costly repairs, but delays the need for air conditioner replacement.

Lower the Wear and Tear on Your System

Air Conditioner Replacement in St. Louis

Maintenance and annual inspections will remove a lot of the air conditioner replacement risks, but you can also take some simple steps to go even further. Do your best to make the air-conditioner work as efficiently as possible. For example:

  • You can seal up all air gaps by windows and doors to lower the frequency of AC cycles.
  • You can upgrade insulation to retain more of the cooled air.
  • You can install a programmable thermostat so the air-conditioner can operate more efficiently on your schedule while avoiding drastic temperature changes done manually.

Evaluate Your Air Conditioner Replacement Options

It is important to monitor how your air-conditioner is performing on a regular basis. By knowing your unit’s current condition, you can start to budget for air conditioner replacements if efficiency is starting to wane or you are experiencing frequent service calls and repairs.

Not only that, you can discover your options on your own terms instead of in an emergency air conditioner replacement situation. This means you can take more time to consider your options and how they will affect your budget. For example, you may be able to replace just certain components before the whole system goes out or you may consider spending more upfront for a more efficient system that will save you in the long term. These steps can save money while ensuring you are prepared when air conditioner replacement is necessary.

Save On Your Air Conditioner Replacement with Galmiche & Sons

Overall many of the solutions on how to avoid an air conditioner replacement involve being somewhat proactive. Maintain your AC, lower the strain on the unit, and monitor its condition and you will be able to repair or replace the unit on your own terms and at the optimum time.

If you do find yourself needing to replace your AC or you would like to learn more about the replacement options available to you, call the heating & air conditioning| professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today!

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