5 Biggest Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

With the Missouri summer in full swing, most of us have our air conditioners working overtime. Ideally, once your AC is up and running, you forget about it. However, there are some common air conditioning mistakes that many homeowners make each year. Avoiding these air conditioning mistakes is key to ensuring that your AC unit is functioning at peak performance. Most of these air conditioning mistakes are easy to notice and addressing them can be hugely beneficial.

Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

At Galmiche and Sons, we want to help customers avoid making these all too common air conditioning mistakes. To learn more, why not give us a call at 314-993-1110 and speak with one of our heating & air conditioning experts today?

Five of the Biggest Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to air conditioning units, as long as they are working, most people forget they are even there. Yet, doing this can lead to making some common air conditioning mistakes that can directly impact efficiency.

Here is our list of the five most common air conditioning mistakes:

  • Ignoring Warning Signs – It is important to be aware of any red flags with your AC system during the summer months. Ignoring things such as strange noises or hot spots in your house can have long-term effects. Do not wait until your AC breaks down to call someone.
  • Adjusting Your Thermostat – It is understandable to crank the temperature down when it is hot outside. But often, people turn their AC down way too low for way too long. A programmable thermostat will help you maintain a constant temperature, which saves you money and could prevent a major breakdown.
  • Skipping Regular Maintenance – Scheduling regular maintenance is vital to maintaining the long-term function of your unit. However, skipping this is a common mistake many people make. Regular visits from a technician can catch small issues before they become large ones.
  • Improper SizingAir conditioner sizing varies greatly depending on the size and shape of a dwelling. Having a unit that is too big or small can be costly and inefficient. It is important to consult a licensed professional when purchasing an HVAC system.
  • Not Changing Your Filters – This is one of the most common air conditioning mistakes people make. Air filters should be changed roughly every three months to ensure your system is functioning properly. However, they may need to be changed more often depending on your home and AC system.

Addressing These Common Mistakes

How to Avoid Common Air Conditioning Mistakes

Maintaining comfort and air quality in your home is important. That is why it is vital that you should take stock of whether or not you are making some of these AC errors. If you are not sure, our qualified technicians will be more than happy to help you.

Don’t Fall Victim to Air Conditioning Mistakes

At Galmiche & Sons, we understand that worrying about and dealing with HVAC issues can be overwhelming and frustrating. As a leading St. Louis HVAC company, we have decades of experience helping our customers solve their AC problems. Our heating & air conditioning technicians are fully licensed and can deal with any sort of HVAC problem. Give us a call at 314-993-1110 today.

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