AC Maintenance Checklist: What to Do Before the Air Conditioner Goes On

AC Maintenance Checklist

AC maintenance is important to ensure your unit runs smoothly and efficiently all season long. With the summer heat on its way, it is time to start preparing your air conditioner for the season. To make sure your AC is up for the challenge, follow these simple steps in our AC maintenance checklist for prepping your air conditioner before you turn it on.

To learn more about our air conditioner maintenance checklist or to schedule professional maintenance for your St. Louis area home or business, contact our heating and cooling professionals online or by phone at 314-993-1110.

What Your AC Maintenance Checklist Should Include

Here are a few things to include in your AC maintenance checklist:

  • Clear away debris near the unit: Debris near your air conditioner can interfere with its performance and cause it to work harder than necessary. Clear away any leaves, sticks, or other debris from around your AC unit to help it run more efficiently. Also make sure to remove the cover on the AC condenser before you power it on.
  • Clean the air conditioner filter: One of the most important things you can do for your AC is to clean the air filter. A dirty air filter can cause your AC to work harder and use more energy, which can lead to higher utility bills.
  • Clean the coils: The condenser coils can get clogged with dirt as they are exposed to outdoor elements. Clean the coil using a soft brush, household detergent, or a commercial cleaner.
  • Check the insulation: If your home does not have adequate insulation, your AC may struggle to keep you cool during the summer months. Your should also inspect the insulation around your air conditioner ducts to make sure there are no gaps or cracks that could allow cool air to escape. If necessary, add more insulation to help keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long.
  • Set the thermostat: One of the most important things in the AC maintenance checklist is to set the thermostat after powering on your system. If you do not set the thermostat, the AC will not cool the room to the temperature that you want it to be. Using a programmable thermostat will help you save energy. Set it to ‘cool’ and turn it on to check if the thermostat and the AC units are working properly.

Watch Out for Signs of AC Trouble

Spring AC Maintenance Checklist

Air conditioner maintenance is not just a onetime thing, so another key part of any AC maintenance checklist is to keep an eye out for signs of HVAC problems. From water leakage and improper drainage to strange noises, these signs of trouble warrant an inspection from a St. Louis HVAC professional. Here are the signs to look out for:

  • Your AC is leaking water: This is a clear sign that there is something wrong with your AC. Leaks can cause extensive damage to your home and can even be dangerous.
  • You can hear strange noises from the AC: Strange noises could be a sign of a malfunctioning part or an issue with the refrigerant.
  • Your home is not cool enough: This could be a sign of a variety of problems, from clogged filters to a broken compressor.
  • The AC is constantly running: If your AC is running constantly, it is using up a lot of energy—and driving up your utility bills. This is not normal, and should be addressed.

Your AC Maintenance Checklist is Not Complete without Professional Service

While adhering to this AC maintenance checklist is important year-round, spring is the best time to schedule preventive maintenance. Scheduling professional air conditioner maintenance will detect any problems or issues right away and help ensure your system is ready for the summer ahead. Contact Galmiche & Sons, a trusted HVAC company in St. Louis, to ensure your AC is in top shape for the summer season and beyond.

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