A Guide to Different HVAC System Types

Knowing the difference between different HVAC system types can come in handy when choosing a new HVAC system for your home, business, or property. You might think there are just a few HVAC types appropriate for different uses, but there are actually a lot of options on the market today. Part of what has driven the rise of newer and newer HVAC system types is the push for more energy efficient HVAC models. This has led to all kinds of innovation in HVAC systems that not only provides more efficient heating and cooling, but also better arrangements for multi-story homes, commercial spaces, and more. Today’s heating & air conditioning technology provides many options.

Guide to Different HVAC System Types

Common HVAC System Types

Of course, one of the most common HVAC system types is the central or forced air system. Using ducts and fans to spread air throughout your home, this is one of the HVAC system types that have come a long way in recent years. Improvements to compressors and fans in particular — along with the addition of smart thermostats — have made central air systems more flexible and easy to use as well as more efficient.

You can also use central air for HVAC in multifamily buildings, and a lot of bigger developments do. However, there are other options here. For smaller multifamily buildings, one of the decentralized HVAC systems might be a better option. Heat pumps can also be used to provide different HVAC zones, or used for a single commercial space, and this is certainly one of the most reliable and energy efficient HVAC system types to consider. There are a lot of new innovations in HVAC technology right now though, and they all provide increased control, ease of use, and energy efficiency.

Newer, More Energy Efficient Approaches to HVAC Systems

HVAC System Types

One newer option to consider is the geothermal HVAC system, which uses the ground or water beneath your home to regulate heat. These are very energy efficient systems, however, it may not be possible to use one of the geothermal HVAC system types if your home’s architecture and surroundings don’t allow for it.

Ductless air conditioners are another great HVAC system option offering flexibility, efficiency, and reduced installation cost. Since ductless air conditioners do not use ducts to spread air throughout a space, instead using multiple air handlers spread throughout the house, there is a lot less invasive installation. So, this can be a great option for historic homes or other structures where ducts cannot be easily installed. Plus, the different air handlers give you greater control over different temperature zones, so this is one of the best HVAC system types for small multifamily homes or large single-family houses.

Learn More About HVAC System Types Today!

Depending on what you are looking for, ease of use might be the most important feature, or it might be overall efficiency. There are a lot of new HVAC models out now that address these different needs, and almost all of them are more energy efficient than previous models. To learn more about modern options for heating & air conditioning and to find out what is best for your home or commercial space, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

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