Heating Your Home Efficiently: Heat Pump vs. Furnace

Heat Pump vs. Furnace | St. Louis Heating

When it comes to heating your St. Louis home, you have two main options to consider: a heat pump vs. furnace. Choosing the right system for your home can seem like a daunting choice because each has its benefits and advantages. When considering a heat pump vs. furnace for your home, you might find it is easier to seek help from a professional that can answer your questions fully and help you assess which system is a better fit for your needs.

In the greater St. Louis area, contact a heating and air conditioning expert at Galmiche & Sons today to talk with a professional about whether a furnace vs. heat pump is the best option for your home’s heating requirements.

Heat Pumps vs. Furnaces: Understanding Both Options

What is a Heat Pump?

A heat pump is powered by electricity to move heat from one area to another. The system itself doesn’t generate heat on its own. If the weather is cooler, warm air from outside your home, air is transferred inside to provide heat. Likewise, to provide cooling when the air is warmer inside, a heat pump will redistribute this warm air outside.

Heat Pump Benefits

  • Only one system is required to heat & cool your home
  • Provides energy efficient electric heating, requiring no gas connections
  • Doesn’t burn oxygen
  • Maintains cleaner air quality, with no smoke or fumes added to the air

Heat Pump Cons

Heat Pump vs. Furnace | Pros & Cons

There is a slight catch to having a heat pump installed, and much of this comes down to where you live. As a heat pump transfers warmer air from the outside of your home to the inside, what happens if the air temperature outside is cold? Heat pumps will only work in temperatures that are above freezing. In the middle of a cold winter, they are almost useless. In these cases, a supplemental electric heater is often required. As a result heat pumps are best used when the outside temperatures are above 50°F.

What is a Furnace?

The heat pump vs. furnace discussion becomes clearer when you consider furnaces. A furnace works by using fuel or electricity to generate heat, which is then circulated around your St. Louis home. With furnaces, you have many options that will fit and heat your home efficiently. For example, furnaces are available in various types including gas, oil, or electric, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Furnace Advantages

The major selling point of a furnace, when comparing heat pumps vs. furnaces, is they will heat any home regardless of outside temperature. This is a real plus if the unpredictable St. Louis winter weather is extra cold. There are also installation costs to consider, as furnaces tend to be much cheaper than a heat pump to install, not including ductwork or vents.

Furnace Disadvantages

Operating cost is the major downside of using a furnace vs. a heat pump. It can cost a considerable amount of money each year to power a furnace, although high efficiency gas-powered furnaces tend to be cheaper to run.

Learn More About Comparing Heat Pump vs. Furnace Solutions

As a long-standing supplier and installer of both types of systems in the St. Louis area, we have years of experience and knowledge regarding the method best suited to your home. Our experts can assess your home and answer all your questions considering heat pumps vs. furnaces. Our heating & air conditioning experts can also service and repair any make or model of either system to make sure they are performing at their peak efficiency.

To ensure you have the most efficient solution for your home, contact us today. We can help you decide which system, a heat pump vs. furnace, makes the most sense for your home’s situation.

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